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The college is a premier institute of Ghaziabad affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University  Meerut


The college is a premier institute of Ghaziabad affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University  Meerut

Program Outcomes For Courses


Undergraduate PO and PSO

Program Outcomes of B.A

Students after completing graduation, will be able to :-

PO-1   Acquire the abilities for understanding the importance of developing life-long learning habits.

PO-2   Receive the ability to engage in self-directed and independent learning.

PO-3   Process information in a clear, logical and reasonable and reflective manner and can find out the solutions in different ways.

PO-4  Understand environmental diversity, sense responsibility to save the environment and its importance for sustainable development and exhibit pro-environmental behavior and environmental values.

PO-5  Convey their ideas, concepts in effective manner, exchanging ideas, thoughts, knowledge and information, listen and understand others so that action can be taken on what other people say.

PO-6  Interact with others, make discourse with local community as well as others to reach solutions of problems.

PO-7  Exhibit their feelings to members of society, responsibility at local as well as global level and participate in different activities voluntarily.

PO-8  Understand, develop and conceive their values, culture and ethnicity that means the identification of a group based on perceived culture, values, traditions, family life, religion and rituals etc.

PSOs (Department of Economics) :

After completing the program the students will be able to :-

PSO-1  Develop the ability to explain core terms, concepts, and theories of Economics.

PSO-2  Demonstrate the ability to employ the economic way of thinking.

PSO-3  Demonstrate awareness of global, historical and institutional forces.

PSO-4  Apply economic theories and concepts to contemporary social issues as well as formulation and analysis of policy.

PSO-5  Recognize the role of ethical values in economic decisions.

PSO-6  Demonstrate the ability to collect, process, and interpret data including statistical inference.

PSO-7  Use critical thinking skills within the discipline of economics about economic matters.

PSO-8  Apply both oral and written communication skills with in the discipline.

PSOs (Department of Hindi) :

PO-1  हिंदी के माध्यम से भारतीय साहित्य से परिचित कराना। 

PO-2  छात्राओं मे साहित्य के इतिहास के माध्यम से भारत के सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक इतिहास के प्रति एक सामान्य समझ का निर्माण करना। 

PO-3  छात्राओं में लोक साहित्य के प्रति संवेदना और सम्मान का भाव विकसित करना। 

PO-4  छात्राओं को हिन्दी साहित्य और उसके विविध विधाओं से परिचित कराना तथा उनमें उनके रूचि का निर्माण करना। 

PO-5  छात्राओं को रचनात्मक लेखन की ओर प्रवृत करना। 

PO-1  छात्राओं में मौखिक तथा लिखित अभिव्यक्ति की क्षमता का विस्तार करना तथा उनमें विचारों की क्रमबद्धता और स्पष्टता का विकास करना। 

PO-2  साहित्य के माध्यम से सृजनशीलता को उजागर करना तथा रूचि का निर्माण करना। 

PO-3  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से छात्राओं में समीक्षात्मक दृष्टिकोण का विकास करना।

PO-4  छात्राओं में रचनात्मक लेखन क्षमता का विकास करना। 

PO-5  हिन्दी साहित्य तथा भाषा के विविध आयामों का गहन ज्ञान प्रदान करना। 

PO-6  छात्राओं में मानवीय और नैतिक मूल्यों का विकास करना।

PSOs (Department of Home Science) :

After completing the program the students will be able to :-

PSO-1  Understand and appreciate the role of interdisciplinary science in the development and well being of individuals, families, and communities.

PSO-2  Enhance the capacity of students to understand universal and domain specific values in Home Science.

PSO-3  Develop professional skills in Food & nutrition, clothing & textiles, Human development, Housing & interior Decoration, Resource Management, Extension education, and product management. 

PSO-4  Train and equip the students to take science and art from laboratory to the community so as to improve the quality of human life.

PSO-5  Integrate scientific knowledge practical approach and soft skills to enhance entrepreneurial and career skills.

PSO-6  Acquire and prepare students to succeed in the employment market, extension work, higher studies, and research in any domain of Home science.

PSOs (Department of Music)

On completion of BA (Music), the students are able to :-

PSO-1  Explain the major theories of music and perform all major and minor ragas and talas. 

PSO-2  Get acquainted with the knowledge of various technical terms in music. Also with musical compositions and forms of classical, semi-classical, light musical compositions and folk music. 

PSO-3  Understand the nature and ability to compare between different ragas and talas. 

PSO-4  Basic knowledge and techniques of playing the instruments like harmonium, table and tanpura.

PSO-5  Identify the contributions of important authors, scholars, composers and famous musicians of all genres of various time periods. 

PSO-6  Appreciate the rich indian culture of performing art and historical background of classical music. Also knowledge of its preservence.

PSOs (Department of Psychology)

Students will be able to :-

PSO-1  Describe and explain major theoretical position (psychological concept) and empirical finding in subfield of Psychology.

PSO-2  Understand the type of data, organizing and summarizing the data, analyze the data and drawing conclusion from it.

PSO-3  Understand cognition and behaviour as they naturally occur in a social context, and enhance the ability to social thinking, social influence and social behaviour.

PSO-4  Learn to identify and understand the symptom of different disorder, etiology and treatment of mental disorder.

PSO-5  Enhance the ability to formulate research hypothesis, design empirical studies to test hypothesis and easy data collection.

PSOs (Department of Political Science)

PSO-1  छात्राएं राज्य शासन राजनीति व सरकार के अर्थ स्वरूप प्रकृति एवं राजनीतिक जीवन में इनकी भूमिका को जानेगी ।

PSO-2  छात्राएं भारत में संवैधानिक विकास स्वतंत्रता के राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन संविधान निर्माण की प्रक्रिया एवं निहित मूल्यों आदर्शो को जानेगी भारत की विधायी कार्यकारी एवं न्यायिक व्यवस्था तथा उसके अंतर्सबंध से परिचित होंगी ।  

PSO-3  छात्राएं राजनीतिक जीवन में पाश्चात्य राजनीतिक चिंतन की भूमिका एवं उसके यागदान को जानकर राजनीतिक अवधारणाओं राजनीतिक विचारधाराओं राजनीतिक सिद्धांतों एवं संकल्पनाओं राज्य व्यक्ति संबंध आदि की समीक्षात्मक विवेचना करने में सक्षम होंगी ।

PSO-4  छात्राओं में राजनीतिक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन करने की तकनीक एवं कला की क्षमता का विकास होगा छात्राएं तुलनात्मक शासन व तुलनात्मक राजनीति के मध्य अंतर एवं आदर्श राजनीतिक संस्थाओं एवं सिद्धांतों के निर्धारण में तुलनात्मक राजनीति की भूमिका को जानेगी तथा इससे संबन्धित नवीन क्षेत्रों की खोज करेंगी।

PSO-5  प्रशासकीय राज्य की संकल्पना के रूप में तथा राज्य में सामाजिक आर्थिक राजनीतिक परिवर्तन के प्रभावशाली साधन के रूप में श्लोक प्रशासन की भूमिका एवं महत्व लोखित व जनकल्याण के संवाहक के रूप में लोक प्रशासन की जनकल्याणकरी योजनाओं जनोपयोगी कार्यक्रमों आदि में जनसहभागिता सुनिश्चित करके छात्राएं लोकप्रशासन के महत्व संबंधी नवीन क्षेत्रों को खोजेंगी। 

PSO-6  छात्राएँ राजनीति के वृहदतम रूप अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति के अर्थ प्रकृति स्वरूप अध्ययन क्षेत्र व महत्व को जानेगी तथा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय समस्याओं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संगठनों व संस्थाओं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय क़ानूनों अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीतिक अवधारणाओ का व्याख्यात्मक वर्णन करेंगी। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति में उभरती नवीन प्रवृत्तियों एवं चुनौतियों के प्रभावों के संभावित क्षेत्रों की खोज करेंगी।

PSOs (Department of Physical Education)

To enable students to :-

Acquire and refine motor skills and develop and maintain fitness for optimal Health and Well Being.

PSO-2  Acquire and understand rules and strategies of various Sports and Games.

PSOs (Department of Sociology)

To enable students to :-
PSO-1  Understand Sociology as a Social science and the distinctiveness of its approach among social sciences.

PSO-2  Conceptual understanding of Indian society, its linkages and continuity with past and present.

PSO-3  Comprehend the emerging social issues and problems of contemporary India. 

PSO-4  Imbibe the concept of social change and social control.

PSO-5  Familiarize and understanding with the social, political, economic and intellectual context in which sociology emerged as a distinctive discipline. 

PSO-6  Provide an understanding of the nature of social phenomena, the issues involved in social research and the ways and means of understanding social reality.

PSOs of MA English

PSO-1  Students will be able to understand and evaluate the literature of the early 17th century and the Restoration period. They will be able to develop their knowledge about famous poets like William Shakespeare, John Donne, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Milton, Francis Bacon etc. and can critically analyze their work.

PSO-2  Students will be able to learn and understand all the genres of literature. They will be able to develop their critical thinking and enhance their vocabulary and develop their communication skills. They will be able to analyze any poetry or prose critically.

PSO-3  The students will develop their knowledge regarding the Prose and Poetry work of Victorian Era and 20th century and also they will be able to develop their language and translation skills.

PSO-4  The students will be able to understand all the aspects and theories Criticism and Indian Literature in English Language.

PO and PSOs of MA Hindi

PO-1  छात्राओं में अनुसंधानात्मक तथा विश्लेषणात्मक दृष्टिकोण की क्षमता का विकास करना |

PO-2  छात्राओं में नेतृत्व शक्ति के विकास के साथ चिंतन एवं समालोचन शक्ति की क्षमता को विकसित करना |

PO-3  छात्राओं को विविध कलाओं और उसके रूपों के आने से संस्कृति तथा परम्पराओं से परिचित कराना 

PO-4  छात्राओं में वक्तृत्व कौशल का विकास करना ।

PO-5  पत्रकारिता प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से छात्राओं के लिए रोजगार की उपलब्धियों का निर्माण करना।

PSO-1  भाषा एवं साहित्य के अध्ययन द्वारा छात्राओं में सद्‌प्रवृत्तियों एवं नैतिक मूल्यों का विकास करना।

PSO-2  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से अभिनय, अनुकरण एवं संवाद शैली का विकास करना

PSO-3  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से सामाजिक एवं राष्ट्रीय जीवन के प्रति उत्तरदायित्व की भावना को बढ़ाना।

PSO-4  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से छालाओं में कल्पना शक्ति को विकसित करना एवं उनकी स्वतंत्र विचारधारा का विकास करना |

PSO-5  छात्राओं में नेतृत्व शक्ति के विकास के साथ चिंतन एवं समालोचन शक्ति को विकसित करना।

PSO-6  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से छात्राओं में समाज तथा साहित्य के अंतसंबंधों का सकारात्मक बोध निर्मित करना।

PSO-7  छात्राओं में शोध के प्रति रूचि जागृत करना |

PSO-8  हिन्दी सरकारी एवं गैर-सरकारी कार्य से संबंधित उपक्रमों में छात्राओं को रोजगार के योग्य बनाना। 

Program Outcomes of MA Music

  • The MA Music program, which is divided into two parts and structured in 4 semesters has a strong vision and insight to inculcate knowledge and ability among the students towards skilled musicians and proficient musicologists.

  • To develop a comprehensive mindset in a consistent manner which encourages a lifelong engagement with rich indian culture and performing art.

  • To lay a strong foundation for analytical and creative understandings, Research and documentation/ publications readiness and also to prepare the students for professional life in music.

PSO of MA (Music)

PSO-1  Understand and analyze the Theoretical aspects of Hindustani classical music and assess the concepts of indian classical music performance.

PSO-2  Apply the knowledge of various approaches for creative rendition and spontaneous improvisation during music performance.

PSO-3  Analyze, evaluate and implement the skills gained during the course (both Theoretical and Practical) towards creating music and music appreciation.

PSO-4  Assemble various designs, concepts and techniques in the field of modern research and publications in Music, Performing arts and allied arts.

PSO-5  Competent and desirable candidates entitled to possess challenges in music profession.

PSOs of MA Political Science (Till 2018-19)

PSO-1  भारतीय एवं पाश्चात्य राजनीतिक चिंतन के विभिन्न कालखण्डों से संबन्धित राजनीतिक विचारकों एवं दार्शनिकों के विचारों एवं उनके द्वारा प्रतिपादित सिद्धांतों को छात्राएं गहनतापूर्वक जानेंगी। 

PSO-2  समकालीन राजनीतिक अवधारणाओं, विचारधाराओं एवं सिद्धांतों के गहन अध्ययन से छात्राएं समकालीन राजनीतिक चुनौतियों एवं समस्याओं की प्रकृति, स्वरूप व उनके प्रभावों का अंकलन करने में सक्षम होंगी। 

PSO-3  राजनीतिक समाजशास्त्र की प्रकृति, स्वरूप व विशेषताओं आदि का विशद ज्ञान प्राप्त करने से छात्राओं में अंतर्विषयक अध्ययन करने की प्रवृति का विकास होगा। छात्राएं राजनीति एवं सामाजिक व्यवस्था के नवीन निर्धारक तत्वों की खोज करने में समर्थ होंगी।

PSO-4  भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था, भारतीय संवैधानिक व्यवस्था, भारत में राष्ट्रीय राजनीति, राज्य-स्तरीय राजनीति एवं स्थानीय राजनीति की प्रकृति, स्वरूप व विशेषताओं आदि से छात्राएं पूर्ण रूप से अवगत होंगी। छात्राओं में भारतीय राजनीति एवं भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था में उभरती नवीन प्रवृतियों की विवेचना करने की क्षमता का विकास होगा। 

PSO-5  छात्राओं को तुलनात्मक राजनीति एवं तुलनतमक शासन के प्रमुख तत्वों, उपगमों आदि का गहन ज्ञान प्राप्त होगा। छात्राएं विभिन्न राजनीतिक पक्षों का तुलनात्मक आध्यान एवं आलोचनात्मक मूल्यांकन करने में सफल होंगी। 

PSO-6  वर्तमान अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यवस्था में विभिन्न देशों के मध्य अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध, उनके निर्धारक तत्व व अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति की प्रकृति व स्वरूप आदि से छात्राएं परिचित होंगी। छात्राएं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति व अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध के मध्य समानता व विभेद आदि आधारों को जानेंगी। 

PSO-7  छात्राएं लोकप्रशासन के सैद्धांतिक एवं व्यावहारिक संदर्भ में भारतीय लोकप्रशासन की प्रकृति, विशेषताओं व नवीन प्रवृत्तियों आदि को विस्तारपूर्वक जानने में सक्षम होंगी। छात्राएं लोककल्याणकारी राज्य के प्रतिरूप में लोकप्रशासन की भूमिका से अवगत होंगी। 

PSO-8  सामाजिक विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में अनुसंधान (शोध) की भूमिका व महत्व को छात्राएं गहन रूप में जानेंगी। छात्राओं में शोध प्रवृत्ति के विकास में सहायता मिलेगी।

PO and PSO of B.Com

PO-1  After completing the three year bachelors in commerce student would gain a thorough knowledge in the fundamentals of commerce and finance.

PO-2  The commerce and finance focus curriculum offers a number of specialization and practical exposure which would equip the student to face the modern-day challenges in commerce and business.

PO-3  The all-inclusive outlook of the course over a number of value-based and job-oriented courses ensuring that students are professionally trained.

PO-4  Graduates will be prepared to acquire a range of general skills to solve problems to evaluate information to use computer productively to communicate with society, effectively and learn independently. Graduate will acquire a job efficiently in diverse fields such as education, banking, public services & business etc.

PSO-1  – The course will help students to acquire knowledge in the field of Accounting, Taxation,  Risk Management.

           – Learners can pursue careers as financial experts and also develop a better understanding of the markets as this course gives an in-depth understanding of the essential qualities and areas of expertise.

PSO-2  – Intercepts And familiarises students with different and basic concepts of marketing mix, MIS and Marketing Research.

             – Updates students about marketing challenges faced by marketing managers in the 21st century.

PSO-3  – Familiarise learner with different corporate laws.                 

              – Learner will be able to apply various laws in the corporate sector.

PSO-4  – Familiarises the students with the basic concepts of micro economics and its Economics applications to business situations.

              – Guides the students towards understanding the real world market situations & business applications.

Postgraduate PO and PSO

PO and PSO of M.Com

PO-1  Academic excellence : – Enhancing the knowledge so as to enable the learners to carry out research and pursue academic or professional careers.

PO-2  Professional excellence: – Developing effective communication skills and ability to work in teams by strengthening group dynamics.

PO-3  Research and practical knowledge: Using research knowledge and attitude acquired in the course of study for solving socially relevant problems.

PO-4  Social consciousness: – Understanding the role and applicability of knowledge acquired in the context of society, environment and sustainable development

PSO-1 – Provides practical knowledge to students regarding various financial aspects.

            – Helps the students to understand operation of financial market in India.

PSO-2 – Enables learners to acquire the knowledge of Goods and Services.

             – The process of registration, place and value of supply and computation of tax liability.

PSO-3 – Using research knowledge and attitude acquired in the course of study for solving socially relevant problem.

             – Learner will be able to conduct guided research in commerce and accounting

PSO-4 – Creates understanding of what managers do and how they perform their jobs more effectively.

             – Enables knowledge about various functional areas of management such as production, human resource and finance.

POs and PSOs of B.Ed

PO-1  Knowledge of Education as a Discipline and Teaching Skill : To provide a conceptual understanding of relevant concepts and processes in teacher education and also situate them in the broader perspective of education and development.

PO-2  Pedagogical Orientation : To help student-teachers to become effective teacher by reorganizing one’s previous understanding of one’s subject of specialization but also the pedagogy as the integration of knowledge about the learner, the discipline and the societal context of learning.

PO-3  Enhancing Professional Capacities : To develop professional competencies and to experience the fact that the teacher is much more than someone who teaches a subject.

PO-4  Use of Modern Pedagogical tools : Develop creativity and innovation skills to use create, select, and apply appropriate teaching methods, techniques and strategies, resources with an understanding of the limitations.

PO-5  Developing sociological perspectives : To develop an understanding of society’s role in education of the child.

PO-6  Developing philosophical bent of Mind : To develop an understanding of philosophical foundations of education.

PO-7  Sensitization towards Environment and sustainability : To make them sensitive towards environment and sustainable development.

PO-8  Professional Ethics : Development of ethical principles and commitment to professional ethics in teacher education.

PO-9  Individual and team work: To develop the ability to function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO-10  Communication Skills : To enable prospective teachers communicate effectively on complex topics in the interest of Education as a discipline and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO-11  Life-long learning : To train the pupils to recognize the need for, and have an adaptive attitude towards fast changing education system.

PO-12  Research and Evaluation Skills : To make pupils able to evaluate the teaching and learning process. To enable students to have a research mindset.

PSO-1  Understand the development and broader perspective of indian education, the conceptual understanding about the nature, basic concepts of contemporary india and education, reflect the vision on philosophical & sociological perspectives of education, individual development process of learner, use of educational technology for effective teaching and recent developments in it.

PSO-2  Understand the environment, policies and practices that need to be addressed in order to create an inclusive school, inter-relationship of gender, school and society; understand conceptual background of knowledge, language and curriculum development, experiential learning, nai talim, work education and community engagement. 

PSO-3 Recognize the nature of knowledge in various subject areas (Sciences-Physical/Biological/Mathematics, Social Sciences, languages Hindi/English/Sanskrit) and to help in developing understanding of the pedagogical requirements in various teaching-learning situations and to lead to an understanding of using various assessment techniques. 

PSO-4  To have an experience of school functioning and prepare journal containing day-to-day report about all school activities and also undertake an action research project based on any school problem. 

PSO-5  To enhance professional capacities by strengthening language proficiency, art and aesthetics, reading and reflecting on texts, understanding of ict, scouting and guiding, working with community. 

POs and PSOs of M.Ed

Main objective of the programme is to transform pupil teachers into teacher educators. For this the following are the Program Objectives :

PO-1  Knowledge of Education as a discipline : To enable them to understand the education as discipline and contribute in the development and progress of Education as a discipline.

PO-2  Globally competent : To make them globally competent teacher educators through an adaptive mindset towards changes occurring in society and applying the innovative approaches.

PO-3  Research Skills : To make them efficient researchers in education and interdisciplinary fields through both theoretical and practical orientation.

PO-4  Reflective and critical thinking : To develop reflective and critical thinking abilities.

PO-5  Professional Ethics : To develop professional ethical principles and commitment to profession in teacher education.

PO-6  Sensitization towards Environment and sustainability : To make them sensitive towards environment and sustainable development.

PO-7  Individual and team work : To develop the ability to function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO-8  Communication Skills : To enable them communicate effectively on complex topics in the interest of Education as a discipline and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO-9  Life-long learning : To train them to recognize the need for, and have an adaptive attitude towards fast changing education system.

PSO-1  Develop the philosophical bent of mind, understand the psychology of their students, be familiar with social structure and to develop an understanding of the indian education system in the context of social, historical and political and economy perspectives. 

PSO-2  Understand the emerging trends and basic concepts of education drawn from different discipline, conceptual and fundamental knowledge of research methodology, new trends & techniques in teacher education, and to acquaint with the challenges and opportunities emerging in integrating new technology in educational processes.

PSO-3  Undertake researches in the field of education and interdisciplinary researches, develop of conceptual knowledge of testing, measurement and evaluation, acquaint with issues, concerns, systems and structure of secondary and higher secondary education. 

PSO-4  Have an understanding of the theory and practical aspects of curriculum development; develop efficiency to become an effective manager/ administrator in education; comprehend conceptual knowledge of pre-service and in-service teacher education; be skilled in the field of guidance and counseling.

PSO-5. To undertake research work; develop professional competence; communicate effectively their viewpoint and knowledge; review of research work and classic books.  

PSOs of MA English

PSO-1  Students will be able to understand and evaluate the literature of the early 17th century and the Restoration period. They will be able to develop their knowledge about famous poets like William Shakespeare, John Donne, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Milton, Francis Bacon etc. and can critically analyze their work.

PSO-2  Students will be able to learn and understand all the genres of literature. They will be able to develop their critical thinking and enhance their vocabulary and develop their communication skills. They will be able to analyze any poetry or prose critically.

PSO-3  The students will develop their knowledge regarding the Prose and Poetry work of Victorian Era and 20th century and also they will be able to develop their language and translation skills.

PSO-4  The students will be able to understand all the aspects and theories Criticism and Indian Literature in English Language.

PO and PSOs of MA Hindi

PO-1  छात्राओं में अनुसंधानात्मक तथा विश्लेषणात्मक दृष्टिकोण की क्षमता का विकास करना |

PO-2  छात्राओं में नेतृत्व शक्ति के विकास के साथ चिंतन एवं समालोचन शक्ति की क्षमता को विकसित करना |

PO-3  छात्राओं को विविध कलाओं और उसके रूपों के आने से संस्कृति तथा परम्पराओं से परिचित कराना 

PO-4  छात्राओं में वक्तृत्व कौशल का विकास करना ।

PO-5  पत्रकारिता प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से छात्राओं के लिए रोजगार की उपलब्धियों का निर्माण करना।

PSO-1  भाषा एवं साहित्य के अध्ययन द्वारा छात्राओं में सद्‌प्रवृत्तियों एवं नैतिक मूल्यों का विकास करना।

PSO-2  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से अभिनय, अनुकरण एवं संवाद शैली का विकास करना

PSO-3  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से सामाजिक एवं राष्ट्रीय जीवन के प्रति उत्तरदायित्व की भावना को बढ़ाना।

PSO-4  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से छालाओं में कल्पना शक्ति को विकसित करना एवं उनकी स्वतंत्र विचारधारा का विकास करना |

PSO-5  छात्राओं में नेतृत्व शक्ति के विकास के साथ चिंतन एवं समालोचन शक्ति को विकसित करना।

PSO-6  साहित्य के अध्ययन के माध्यम से छात्राओं में समाज तथा साहित्य के अंतसंबंधों का सकारात्मक बोध निर्मित करना।

PSO-7  छात्राओं में शोध के प्रति रूचि जागृत करना |

PSO-8  हिन्दी सरकारी एवं गैर-सरकारी कार्य से संबंधित उपक्रमों में छात्राओं को रोजगार के योग्य बनाना। 

Program Outcomes of MA Music

  • The MA Music program, which is divided into two parts and structured in 4 semesters has a strong vision and insight to inculcate knowledge and ability among the students towards skilled musicians and proficient musicologists.

  • To develop a comprehensive mindset in a consistent manner which encourages a lifelong engagement with rich indian culture and performing art.

  • To lay a strong foundation for analytical and creative understandings, Research and documentation/ publications readiness and also to prepare the students for professional life in music.

PSO of MA (Music)

PSO-1  Understand and analyze the Theoretical aspects of Hindustani classical music and assess the concepts of indian classical music performance.

PSO-2  Apply the knowledge of various approaches for creative rendition and spontaneous improvisation during music performance.

PSO-3  Analyze, evaluate and implement the skills gained during the course (both Theoretical and Practical) towards creating music and music appreciation.

PSO-4  Assemble various designs, concepts and techniques in the field of modern research and publications in Music, Performing arts and allied arts.

PSO-5  Competent and desirable candidates entitled to possess challenges in music profession.

PSOs of MA Political Science (Till 2018-19)

PSO-1  भारतीय एवं पाश्चात्य राजनीतिक चिंतन के विभिन्न कालखण्डों से संबन्धित राजनीतिक विचारकों एवं दार्शनिकों के विचारों एवं उनके द्वारा प्रतिपादित सिद्धांतों को छात्राएं गहनतापूर्वक जानेंगी। 

PSO-2  समकालीन राजनीतिक अवधारणाओं, विचारधाराओं एवं सिद्धांतों के गहन अध्ययन से छात्राएं समकालीन राजनीतिक चुनौतियों एवं समस्याओं की प्रकृति, स्वरूप व उनके प्रभावों का अंकलन करने में सक्षम होंगी। 

PSO-3  राजनीतिक समाजशास्त्र की प्रकृति, स्वरूप व विशेषताओं आदि का विशद ज्ञान प्राप्त करने से छात्राओं में अंतर्विषयक अध्ययन करने की प्रवृति का विकास होगा। छात्राएं राजनीति एवं सामाजिक व्यवस्था के नवीन निर्धारक तत्वों की खोज करने में समर्थ होंगी।

PSO-4  भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था, भारतीय संवैधानिक व्यवस्था, भारत में राष्ट्रीय राजनीति, राज्य-स्तरीय राजनीति एवं स्थानीय राजनीति की प्रकृति, स्वरूप व विशेषताओं आदि से छात्राएं पूर्ण रूप से अवगत होंगी। छात्राओं में भारतीय राजनीति एवं भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था में उभरती नवीन प्रवृतियों की विवेचना करने की क्षमता का विकास होगा। 

PSO-5  छात्राओं को तुलनात्मक राजनीति एवं तुलनतमक शासन के प्रमुख तत्वों, उपगमों आदि का गहन ज्ञान प्राप्त होगा। छात्राएं विभिन्न राजनीतिक पक्षों का तुलनात्मक आध्यान एवं आलोचनात्मक मूल्यांकन करने में सफल होंगी। 

PSO-6  वर्तमान अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यवस्था में विभिन्न देशों के मध्य अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध, उनके निर्धारक तत्व व अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति की प्रकृति व स्वरूप आदि से छात्राएं परिचित होंगी। छात्राएं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति व अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध के मध्य समानता व विभेद आदि आधारों को जानेंगी। 

PSO-7  छात्राएं लोकप्रशासन के सैद्धांतिक एवं व्यावहारिक संदर्भ में भारतीय लोकप्रशासन की प्रकृति, विशेषताओं व नवीन प्रवृत्तियों आदि को विस्तारपूर्वक जानने में सक्षम होंगी। छात्राएं लोककल्याणकारी राज्य के प्रतिरूप में लोकप्रशासन की भूमिका से अवगत होंगी। 

PSO-8  सामाजिक विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में अनुसंधान (शोध) की भूमिका व महत्व को छात्राएं गहन रूप में जानेंगी। छात्राओं में शोध प्रवृत्ति के विकास में सहायता मिलेगी।

POs of B.Sc. H.Sc.

PO-1  To recognize learner’s own strength and weakness and work on them to achieve their maximum potential so that the quality of their personal and professional life can improve.

PO-2  To develop lifelong ability to absorb knowledge and apply it effectively to meet the needs of the family and society.

PO-3  To develop in the learner an ability to take care of the nutritional needs of the family members and ensure good food handling practice.

PO-4  To impart in the learners the basic knowledge related to textiles used in home and develop skills for the optimum utilization.

PO-5  To foster in learners understanding of human developmental processes and use it to   strengthen interpersonal relationship, the upliftment of community and to contribute towards the challenges to ever changing life.

PO-6  To enhance knowledge about different system, their functioning, metabolic processes and disorders related to these metabolic cycles taking place in human body.

PO-7 To enable students to understand the functioning of microorganisms in food, use of various food groups and their preservation. It also helps to develop managerial skills to enable them to start catering service food outlets canteen etc.

PO-8 To make students understand about the bio-availability of nutrients and different techniques to measure body composition.

PSOs of B.Sc. H.Sc.

PSO-1  To impart basic knowledge about English language, Communication and Instructional Technology, the processes of Human Development, Human Physiology, Computer Basics and Environmental Science for the upliftment of community in present scenario.

PSO-2  To enhance the skills in learners about textiles and handling of fabric for optimum utilization, to manage the family resources and their use to achieve the goals of family, the working and functioning of simple machines used at home, basic chemistry of daily life,  the importance of sanitation and hygiene, to take care of nutritional needs of the family members and maintain their nutritional status.

PSO-3  To develop in learner the understanding of family life so as to achieve harmony in relationships, to learn about different development stages of childhood, about family income, budget, consumer behavior rights and responsibilities as citizen, the basic component of food- lipids, carbohydrates and proteins, laundry equipments, different techniques of stain removal and fabric finishing and the elementary knowledge about the plants and insects in students.

PSO-4  To develop sewing skills and garment construction in students, cleaning of different house hold articles and market survey, awareness about different micro-organisms and methods to control them, the elementary knowledge of students about Poultry keeping, Apiculture, Sericulture, Fish culture and insect pests, knowledge of physical and social development in Adolescence and its problems and the food related problems prevailing in community and role of nutritional developments aids.

PSO-5  To enable students to learn about Diet plans for different diseases like Kwashiorkor, marasmus, peptic ulcer, obesity etc. , development and characteristics of young adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood and old age, the elementary knowledge of community goals, purposes, problems, functions and different programs running in India, the family size, income, residential planning, building material, advantages and disadvantages of house, Government housing scheme and financial institutions, principles of garment making, garment fitting problems and fashion needs of the society and the need of nursery schools , different methods,  philosophies and role of government and other agencies in providing nursery school education.

PSO-6  To develop different techniques of printing & dyeing and all traditional embroideries, the elementary knowledge of students about different flower arrangement, lighting arrangement, floor decoration and placement of accessories for interior enrichment, the importance of food preservation, food laws, food adulteration and use of preservatives, entrepreneurial skill development to motivate them to start their own start-ups and about extension training concept, methods and management.

POs of M.Sc. H.Sc. (Food & Nutrition)

PO-1  To enable students to understand human physiology, functioning and inter-relationship between several systems of human body, and nutrition in old age and methods to assess nutritional status of elderly

PO-2  To impart knowledge about carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and hormones etc., microorganisms, spoilage of food, food born diseases, food science and food additives.

PO-3 To give students knowledge about methods of assessment for body mass, fat mass and fat free mass, different methods to achieve physical & mental fitness like yoga, meditation etc.

PO-4  To foster research attitude in students and to make them enable to apply statistics on data. To impart awareness about food processing methods and technology used these days, deficiency diseases prevailing in community and remedial actions for the same.  

PO-5  To foster skills of diet planning in students and enable them to take up the responsibilities of dietician and entrepreneurial skill in students related to managing cafeteria in institutes and organizations.

PSOs of M.Sc. H.Sc. (Food & Nutrition)

PSO-1  To impart knowledge about anatomy and physiology of cell, cell organelles and different systems, about ageing, nutritional requirements for elders, physical & physiological changes in food, cereal products, and sensory evaluation and the elementary knowledge of microbes in fermented and genetically modified foods probiotics.

PSO-2  To enhance knowledge of students about body composition,  energy contents of foods, proteins and amino acids, definition and identification of research problem and techniques of data collection, the elementary knowledge of mechanism of action of hormones insulin: glucagon, epinephrine, thyroid and steroid and communicable diseases, surveillance & treatment control of communicable diseases.

PSO-3  To enable students to learn about dietary management & counseling of surgery & burns, trauma and Gastro – intestinal, the introduction of food service systems, menu planning, functions of catering management, processing technology of food, classification and standardization, pasteurization and components of specific fitness and nutrition and mobilization of fat stores during exercise.

POs of M.Sc. H.Sc. (Clothing & Textile)

PO-1  To enable students to understand chemical nature of natural and synthetic fibre and different techniques used in textiles.

PO-2  To enhance knowledge of students about fabric construction and woven fabric analysis, technical textile, textile testing & quality control, clothing for special need and historic costumes.

PO-3  To impart awareness in students about fashion marketing and merchandising, different fashion trends and importance of textile industry in Indian economy.

PO-4  To foster skills in students about different weaves, embroidery in reference of history, painting, dyeing & printing, textile design and its process, apparel design and construction / draping / grading.

PO-5  To foster research attitude in students and to make them able to apply statistics on data.

PSOs of M.Sc. H.Sc. (Clothing & Textile)

PSO-1  To impart basic knowledge to students about polymer chemistry, chemistry of natural fibres, synthetic fibres, scientific basis of dyeing & printing of textiles and textile finishing, early textile fibres & their products, historic development of natural fibres, development of weaving , development of dyeing, printing & painting and embroidery in historical perspective, origin, theories & social importance of clothing, fashion development and designers, importance of textile industry in Indian economy, textile and clothing industry and preparation of fabric dyeing & printing, theories of dyeing, dyeing defects and remedies, styles of printing and testing dyed material.

PSO-2  To develop in students the skills related to weaving, knitting, fabric faults/defects and their remedies, spinning and textile design, research problem, variables, hypothesis, types of research, methods and techniques of data collection, research design and co-relation, unconventional fibres, industrial textiles, medical textiles, smart & intelligent textiles and recent development in textiles and the fittings affecting good fit, fitting defects, clothing for people with special needs, clothing for old age, clothing for physically challenged and evaluating the quality of apparel.

PSO-3  To enhance the skills in students about selection of samples for testing, fibre testing, yarn testing and fabric testing, marketing, consumer behaviour analysis, product planning & development, pricing, channels of distribution, methods of promotion and export marketing,  industrial use for cutting , sewing, finishing, embellishment, methods of pattern making , developing paper patterns and buying criteria for readymade garments and the costume in ancient civilization, Indian costumes, tribal costumes of India, European costumes, and historic costumes of China & Japan.

Program Outcomes (PO) of BCA

PO-1  To develop Critical Thinking in Studies :  Take informed actions after identifying the assumptions that frame our thinking and actions, checking out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid, and looking at our ideas and decisions (intellectual, organizational, and personal) from different perspectives.

PO-2  To develop Effective Communication Skill :  Speak, read, write and listen clearly in person and through electronic media in English and in one Indian language, and make meaning of the world by connecting people, ideas, books, media and technology.

PO-3  To develop Ability of Social Interaction :  Elicit views of others, mediate disagreements and help reach conclusions in group settings.

PO-4  To develop the value of Effective Citizenship :  Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centered national development, and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.

PO-5  Professional Ethics :  Ability to apply and commit professional ethics and cyber regulations in a global economic environment.

PO-6  Environment and Sustainability :  Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.

PO-7  Self-directed and Life-long Learning : Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context socio-technological changes.

PO-8  Innovation and Entrepreneurship :  Identify a timely opportunity and using innovation to pursue that opportunity to create value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society at large.

PO-9  Computational Knowledge : Understand and apply mathematical foundation, computing and domain knowledge for the conceptualization of computing models from defined problems.

PO-10  Individual & Team Work :  Ability to work as a member or leader in diverse teams in multidisciplinary environment.


Students will be able to:

PSO-1  Understand the principles and working of computer systems.

PSO-2  Understand the structure and development methodologies of software systems.

PSO-3  Develop practical competence with a broad range of programming language and open-source platforms.

PSO-4  Apply mathematical methodologies to solve computation task, model real world problem using appropriate data structure and suitable algorithm.

PSO-5  Understand the concepts with logical and critical thinking in key areas in Computer Applications with adequate practical skills.

PSO-6  Apply knowledge in various disciplines of technologies such as computer applications, computer networking, software engineering, JAVA, database concepts and programming.