Research Projects
Vidyavati Mukand Lal Girls College Ghaziabad(U.p)
S.No | Project Director | Title | Funding Agency | Amount (in rupees) | Duration |
1 | Dr. Rekha Agrawal | Construction of a Parent Orientation Programme by using different methods of instruction | UGC | 42,000 | 1994-96 |
2 | Dr. Rekha Agrawal & Dr. Indrani | Reorganization and Integration of Curriculum for learning to think and learning to work together at Pre-primary and Primary level | UGC | 3,69,000 | 2006-09 |
3 | Dr.Kusum Tyagi | Psycho social correlates of conduct disorders among adolescents and its Psychological consequences | ICSSR | 3,61,200 | 2011- till date |
4 | Dr.Alpana Mohan | A typical lateralization in Mentally Challenged : A perspective of Secondary Rehabilitation | ICSSR | 2,75,200 | 2009 – till date |
Research Projects Continued
S.No | Project Director | Title | Funding Agency | Amount (in rupees) | Duration |
1 | Dr. Shashi Malik and Dr. Alpana Mohan | Development and Try out of Soft Skill Enhancement Programme for Pre-Service Teachers of Uttar Pradesh: Its Effect on Teaching Competence | Research and Development Scheme under UP Government | Rs. 2,13,000.00 | 2021-24 |
Minor Research Project
S.No | Project Director | Title | Funding Agency | Amount (in rupees) | Duration |
1 | Dr.Kusum Tyagi | The Study of Factors influencing Life Satisfaction and General Well being among Youth Working at Call Centres (BPO) in Metro cities | UGC | 60,000 | 2006-09 |
2 | Dr.Jyoti | उत्तर भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत की ज्वलंत समस्यायें एवं निदान | UGC | 55,000 | 2004-06 |
3 | Dr.Rajni Goel & Dr. Shashi Malik | Perception of Teachers regarding commercialization of Higher Education in perspective of GATS | UGC | 40,000 | 2007-09 |
Research Projects Under PG Developmental Grant
S.No | Project Director | Title | Funding Agency | Amount (in rupees) | Duration |
1 | Dr. Rekha Agrawal, Dr. NeetaKaushik, Dr. Prerna Sharma | A Study of Status of Communication Skills and to suggest some measures to enhance them at various levels of education | UGC | 17,221 | 2006-2007 |
2 | Dr. Rekha Agrawal | A Pilot Study to recognize the III grade curriculum on the basis of UNESCO recommendations | UGC | 11,455 | 2006-2007 |
3 | Dr. Indrani | Use of constructivism in Teaching at Elementary Level in relation to academic achievement and creativity of student | UGC | 2,508 | 2006-2007 |
4 | Dr.Rajni Goel& Dr. Shashi Malik | Developing a Suggestive model on the basis of Job satisfaction and stress of Special education teachers | UGC | 13,597 | 2006-2007 |
5 | Dr. Sindhu Bala | A Study of Well Being in relation to Learning styles of Pupil teachers of Ghaziabad | UGC | 7,943 | 2010-2011 |
6 | Dr. Indrani Dr. Neeta Kaushik Dr. Vandana Gupta | Gupta Effect of Yoga on Mental Health and anxiety level of Female graduate students studying at VMLG College Ghaziabad | UGC | 16,185 | 2010-2011 |
7 | Dr. Prerna Sharma | Factors related to Mental stress among students during Board Examination and their remedies | UGC | 15,998 | 2010-2011 |
8 | Dr. Shashi Malik | Pupil Teachers’ Perception towards inclusion of students with special needs in General Classes | UGC | 7,508 | 2010-2011 |
POST DOCTORAL CAREER AWARD (UGC) : Has Been Granted To Dr. Alpana Mohan, Senior Lecturer In Dept. Of Psychology For The Study Entitled “handedness And Asymmetry In The Field Of Motor And Cognitive Among Developmental Disorder”.
- Duration – 2012-2014
- Budget – Rs. 2,00,000/-
POST DOCTORAL RESEARCH (ICSSR): Entitled “a Comparitive Study Of Adjustment, Mental Health And Temperament Of Adolescents Living In Industrial And Non-industrial Environment” Is Being Carried On By Dr. Pushplata Fartiyal Under The Supervision Of Dr. Kusum Tyagi, Reader & Head, In The Dept. Of Psychology . Budget – Rs. 2,61,200/- (Completion Year-2012).
BRS GRANT (Financial assistance) by UGC FOR MERITORIOUS STUDENTS: For Carrying Out Dissertations/projects During Post Graduate Programme Has Been Granted By The Ugc For The Deserving Students Of (Food & Nutrition) And (Textile & Clothing).
Teacher Research Fellowship: Was Awarded To Dr. Shabnam Chhabra Under Fip Scheme Of Ugc For Pursuing Research In Food & Nutrition From University Of Delhi For A Period Of 3 Years Under The X Plan.
RESEARCH AWARD: Research Award (Career Award)
SN | Awardee | Title | Agency | Amount (in Rupees) | Duration |
1 | Dr. Alpana Mohan | Handedness and Asymmetry in Motor and Cognitive Functions among Developmental Disorder | Under Post Doctoral Scheme from UGC, New Delhi. | 2,00,000.00 | 2012-2015 |
Major and Minor Research Projects Completed:
SN | Project Investigators | Title | Funding Agency | Amount (in Rupees) | Duration |
1 | Prof. Shashi Malik and Prof. Alpana Mohan | Development and Try out of Soft Skill Enhancement Programme for Pre-Service Teachers of Uttar Pradesh: Its Effect on Teaching Competence | Research and Development Scheme under UP Government | 2,13,000.00 | 2021-2024 |
2 | Dr. Kusum Tyagi (Retd.) | Psycho social correlates of conduct disorders among adolescents and its Psychological Consequences | ICSSR | 3,61,200.00 | 2011- 2013 |
SN | Post Doctoral Fellow and Supervisor | Title | Funding Agency | Amount (in Rs.) | Completion year |
1 | Dr. Kumud Gaur under Prof. Shashi Malik | A Study of Job Satisfaction of College teachers with respect to their Sense of Humor and Locus of Control | UGC | According to UGC rules | 2019 |
2 | Dr. Shubha under Prof. Uma Joshi | किशोरावस्था में सामाजिक एवं व्यावसायिक परिपक्वता पर जनसंचार का प्रभाव (एनसीआर के संदर्भ में) | UGC S. Radhakrishnan PDF Manviki evam samaj vigyaan | According to UGC rules | 2018 |
SN | Name of Researcher | Name of Supervisor | Topic | Year of Completion |
1 | Sukirti Goel | Dr. Sindhu Bala (Retd.) | A study of Emotional Intelligence in relation to level of Aspiration, Achievement and Adjustment of students at secondary level | 2013 |
2 | Mrs. Shobha Sharma | Dr. Rajni Goel (Retd.) | कस्तूरबा गांधी बालिका विद्यालया के संगठनात्मक पर्यावरण तथा उसमें अध्ययनरात छात्राओं के वैयक्तिक, शैक्षिक संप्राप्ति और व्यतित्व मूल्यों का एक अध्ययन | 2013 |
3 | Mrs. Uma Sharma | Prof. Shashi Malik | Exploring values, Study Habits, occupational choices of secondary school students | 2013 |
4 | Mrs. Parul Tyagi | Prof. Indrani | The effect of use of Science Teaching kit on the Thinking ability of lower secondary level | 2013 |
5 | Mrs. Sangeeta Gupta | Prof. Indrani | Influence of Scientific training of effective teaching on teaching effectiveness and attitude towards teaching (Primary teacher) | 2013 |
6 | Mrs. Anjali Gautam | Prof. Rekha Agrawal (Retd.) | A study of influence of Innovative Practices in teaching on academic achievement and inductive thinking of primary school students. | 2013 |
7 | Mrs. Anita Singh | Prof. Indrani | A comparative study of Value Patterns and Teaching aptitude: A 8follow up regarding teaching effectiveness in job placement | 2013 |
8 | Ms. Ketika Tyagi | Prof. Indrani | A Study of Influence of Constructivism in teaching on Academic achievement, creative thinking and academic motivation of primary class students | 2014 |
9 | Mrs. Mamta Tyagi | Dr. Rajni Goel (Retd.) | Multivariate Analysis of Emotional Intelligence with classroom interaction of secondary teachers | 2014 |
10 | Rakhi Aggrawal | Dr. Rajni Goel (Retd.) | स्वामी रामानुजाचार्य के विशिष्टद्वैतवादी सिद्धान्त का तात्विक चिंतन एवं शिक्षा में योगदान का महत्व | 2014 |
11 | Ms. Neelam | Dr. Rajni Goel (Retd.) | Darshnik problems of Maharishi Kapil’s Sankhya Darshan and his contribution in Education | 2015 |
12 | Mrs. Savita Taneja | Prof. Shashi Malik | B.Ed. Curriculum od C.C.S. University: An Evaluation | 2015 |
13 | Mrs. Neelam Tyagi | Dr. Sindhu Bala (Retd.) | A Study of teaching competence in relation to Deductive thinking and inductive thinking and their classroom behaviours at secondary level | 2015 |
14 | Mrs. Preeti Tyagi | Dr. Neeta Kaushik (Tr.) | Diagnosis and Remediation of English Linguistic Skills of Students studying at Elementary Level | 2015 |
15 | Mrs. Vinita M. Chaudhary | Prof. Shashi Malik | Correlates of Job Satisfaction among Teachers in Aided and Self-financed Institutions | 2015 |
16 | Mrs. Shelja Sharma | Prof. Shashi Malik | An Investigation into Social Maturity, Learning and Thinking Styles of Learning Disabled Children and Non Learning Disabled Children at Primary level | 2015 |
17 | Mrs. Mangla Vaid | Prof. Rekha Agrawal (Retd.) | Development of Integrated Curriculum from Pre-primary and Primary grades | 2015 |
18 | Mrs. Mukesh Kumari | Prof. Prerna Sharma | Impact of Environmental Education on the behaviour of Higher Secondary Level Students regarding water conservation | 2016 |
19 | Mrs. Meena Singh | Prof. Neeta Kaushik (Tr.) | A Study of language Skills in Hindi and English with reference to creativity, personality characteristics, locality and educational streams of the students studying at Higher education level | 2016 |
20 | Mrs. Pooja Agrawal | Dr. Rekha Agrawal (Retd.) | The effect of use of teaching kit on the Academic achievement and inductive-deductive thinking of Primary class students | 2016 |
21 | Mrs. Poonam | Prof. Shashi Malik | A Study on Occupational Choices with reference to Self-Efficacy and Work environment of Special School Teachers | 2017 |
22 | Vandana Verma | Dr. Sindhu Bala (Retd.) | A Study of Learning & Thinking style of Secondary School Students in relation to their Career Preference and Academic Achievement | 2018 |
23 | Richa Varshney | Prof. Uma Joshi | Impact of Parental Involvement on the Performance of IV to V standard children of Urban and Rural Areas in Agra City | 2019 |
24 | Namitesh Gupta | Prof. Uma Joshi | कार्यरत तथा घरेलू महिलाओं की वय: संधि अवस्था की बालिकाओं में संवेगात्मक स्थिरता एवं समायोजन का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (गोरखपुर जनपद के संदर्भ में) | 2020 |
25 | Deepa Bisht | Prof. Shashi Malik | Use of Online Social networking sites by Undergraduate students of different Socio-economic status and its impact on their academic performance and social skill | 2021 |
26 | Sweta Gupta | Prof. Indrani | A Study of Life Skill of Male and Female pupil teachers in relation to their teaching effectiveness and attitude towards teaching | 2021 |
27 | Niharika Garg | Prof. Shashi Malik | Explanation of Personality Characteristics of teachers in terms of Indian Trigunas and its relationship with teacher’s sense of self-efficacy, teacher effectiveness and transformational leadership | 2022 |
28 | Sarita Pragya | Prof. Indrani | A study of Awareness of Elementary School teachers about learning disabilities and difficulties faced by them in teaching students with learning disability | 2022 |
29 | Aditi Dhama | Prof. Uma Joshi | Consumer Buying behaviour towards clothing among students from fashion colleges of NOIDA City | 2022 |
30 | Yashi Gupta | Prof. Shabnam Chhabra | Impact of Educational Intervention on breakfast consumption pattern of College going girls (18-23 Years) | 2023 |
31 | Kalpana Singh | Prof. Shabnam Chhabra | Complementary feeding practices among working mothers of children aged 6-24 months: A qualitative Study | 2023 |
32 | Shweta Das | Prof. Prerna Sharma | A Study of Role of MOOCs in Learning Biology with reference to perceptions of students and teachers | 2023 |
33 | Madhu Mittal | Prof. Indrani | Development of Integrated Learning Kit and its Efficacy on Attitude and Achievement in Science among School students | 2023 |
34 | Reena Gupta | Prof. Shashi Malik | A Study of Impact of parental Involvement on Self-confidence, Social skills and Educational Outcomes of Senior Secondary School Students | 2024 |
35 | Mamta Rani | Dr. Nidhi Rani Singh | पंचायती राज व्यवस्था में महिला हरियाणा के करनाल जिले का अध्ययन | 2023 |
36 | Priyanka Verma | Prof. Indrani | Exploration of Innovation Skills and its relationships with Self-efficacy and Academic achievement | 2024 |
37 | Shilpi | Prof. Uma Joshi | Gender wise comparative Study of usage of internet and its impact on well-being of college students | 2024 |