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The college is a premier institute of Ghaziabad affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University  Meerut


The college is a premier institute of Ghaziabad affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University  Meerut


The college is a premier institute of Ghaziabad affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University  Meerut

Research Projects

Vidyavati Mukand Lal Girls College Ghaziabad(U.p)


S.NoProject DirectorTitleFunding AgencyAmount (in rupees)Duration
1Dr. Rekha AgrawalConstruction of a Parent Orientation Programme by using different methods of instructionUGC42,0001994-96
2Dr. Rekha Agrawal & Dr. Indrani Reorganization and Integration of Curriculum for learning to think and learning to work together at Pre-primary and Primary levelUGC3,69,000 2006-09
3Dr.Kusum TyagiPsycho social correlates of conduct disorders among adolescents and its Psychological consequencesICSSR3,61,2002011- till date
4Dr.Alpana MohanA typical lateralization in Mentally Challenged : A perspective of Secondary RehabilitationICSSR2,75,2002009 – till date

Research Projects Continued

S.NoProject DirectorTitleFunding AgencyAmount (in rupees)Duration
1Dr. Shashi Malik and Dr. Alpana Mohan
Development and Try out of Soft Skill Enhancement Programme for Pre-Service Teachers of Uttar Pradesh: Its Effect on Teaching CompetenceResearch and Development Scheme under UP GovernmentRs. 2,13,000.002021-24

Minor Research Project

S.NoProject DirectorTitleFunding AgencyAmount (in rupees)Duration
1Dr.Kusum TyagiThe Study of Factors influencing Life Satisfaction and General Well being among Youth Working at Call Centres (BPO) in Metro citiesUGC60,0002006-09
2Dr.Jyotiउत्तर भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत की ज्वलंत समस्यायें एवं निदानUGC55,0002004-06
3Dr.Rajni Goel & Dr. Shashi MalikPerception of Teachers regarding commercialization of Higher Education in perspective of GATSUGC40,0002007-09

Research Projects Under PG Developmental Grant

S.NoProject DirectorTitleFunding AgencyAmount
(in rupees)
1Dr. Rekha Agrawal, Dr. NeetaKaushik, Dr. Prerna SharmaA Study of Status of Communication Skills and to suggest some measures to enhance them at various levels of educationUGC17,2212006-2007
2Dr. Rekha AgrawalA Pilot Study to recognize the III grade curriculum on the basis of UNESCO recommendationsUGC11,4552006-2007
3Dr. Indrani
Use of constructivism in Teaching at Elementary Level in relation to academic achievement and creativity of student
4Dr.Rajni Goel& Dr. Shashi MalikDeveloping a Suggestive model on the basis of Job satisfaction and stress of Special education teachersUGC13,5972006-2007
5Dr. Sindhu BalaA Study of Well Being in relation to Learning styles of Pupil teachers of GhaziabadUGC7,9432010-2011
6Dr. Indrani Dr. Neeta Kaushik Dr. Vandana GuptaGupta Effect of Yoga on Mental Health and anxiety level of Female graduate students studying at VMLG College GhaziabadUGC16,1852010-2011
7Dr. Prerna SharmaFactors related to Mental stress among students during Board Examination and their remediesUGC15,9982010-2011
8Dr. Shashi MalikPupil Teachers’ Perception towards inclusion of students with special needs in General ClassesUGC7,5082010-2011


POST DOCTORAL CAREER AWARD (UGC) : Has Been Granted To Dr. Alpana Mohan, Senior Lecturer In Dept. Of Psychology For The Study Entitled “handedness And Asymmetry In The Field Of Motor And Cognitive Among Developmental Disorder”.

  1. Duration – 2012-2014
  2. Budget – Rs. 2,00,000/-

POST DOCTORAL RESEARCH (ICSSR):  Entitled “a Comparitive Study Of Adjustment, Mental Health And Temperament Of Adolescents Living In Industrial And Non-industrial Environment” Is Being Carried On By Dr. Pushplata Fartiyal Under The Supervision Of Dr. Kusum Tyagi, Reader & Head, In The Dept. Of Psychology . Budget – Rs. 2,61,200/- (Completion Year-2012).

BRS GRANT (Financial assistance) by UGC FOR MERITORIOUS STUDENTS: For Carrying Out Dissertations/projects During Post Graduate Programme Has Been Granted By The Ugc For The Deserving Students Of (Food & Nutrition) And (Textile & Clothing).

Teacher Research Fellowship: Was Awarded To Dr. Shabnam Chhabra Under Fip Scheme Of Ugc For Pursuing Research In Food & Nutrition From University Of Delhi For A Period Of 3 Years Under The X Plan.

RESEARCH AWARD: Research Award (Career Award)

SNAwardeeTitleAgencyAmount (in Rupees)Duration
1Dr. Alpana MohanHandedness and Asymmetry in Motor and Cognitive Functions among Developmental DisorderUnder Post Doctoral Scheme from UGC, New Delhi.2,00,000.002012-2015


Major and Minor Research Projects Completed:

SNProject InvestigatorsTitleFunding AgencyAmount (in Rupees)Duration
1Prof. Shashi Malik and Prof. Alpana MohanDevelopment and Try out of Soft Skill Enhancement Programme for Pre-Service Teachers of Uttar Pradesh: Its Effect on Teaching CompetenceResearch and Development Scheme under UP Government2,13,000.002021-2024

Dr. Kusum Tyagi


Psycho social correlates of conduct disorders among adolescents and its Psychological ConsequencesICSSR3,61,200.002011- 2013



SNPost Doctoral Fellow and SupervisorTitleFunding Agency


(in Rs.)

Completion year

Dr. Kumud Gaur under

Prof. Shashi Malik

A Study of Job Satisfaction of College teachers with respect to their Sense of Humor and Locus of ControlUGCAccording to UGC rules2019

Dr. Shubha under

Prof. Uma Joshi

किशोरावस्था में सामाजिक एवं व्यावसायिक परिपक्वता पर जनसंचार का प्रभाव (एनसीआर के संदर्भ में)


S. Radhakrishnan PDF Manviki evam samaj vigyaan

According to UGC rules2018



SNName of ResearcherName of SupervisorTopicYear of Completion
1Sukirti GoelDr. Sindhu Bala (Retd.)A study of Emotional Intelligence in relation to level of Aspiration, Achievement and Adjustment of students at secondary level2013
2Mrs. Shobha SharmaDr. Rajni Goel (Retd.)कस्तूरबा गांधी बालिका विद्यालया के संगठनात्मक पर्यावरण तथा उसमें अध्ययनरात छात्राओं के वैयक्तिक, शैक्षिक संप्राप्ति और व्यतित्व मूल्यों का एक अध्ययन2013
3Mrs. Uma SharmaProf. Shashi MalikExploring values, Study Habits, occupational choices of secondary school students2013
4Mrs. Parul TyagiProf. IndraniThe effect of use of Science Teaching kit on the Thinking ability of lower secondary level2013
5Mrs. Sangeeta GuptaProf. IndraniInfluence of Scientific training of effective teaching on teaching effectiveness and attitude towards teaching (Primary teacher)2013
6Mrs. Anjali GautamProf. Rekha Agrawal (Retd.)A study of influence of Innovative Practices in teaching on academic achievement and inductive thinking of primary school students.2013
7Mrs. Anita SinghProf. IndraniA comparative study of Value Patterns and Teaching aptitude: A 8follow up regarding teaching effectiveness in job placement2013
8Ms. Ketika TyagiProf. IndraniA Study of Influence of Constructivism in teaching on Academic achievement, creative thinking and academic motivation of primary class students2014
9Mrs. Mamta TyagiDr. Rajni Goel (Retd.)Multivariate Analysis of Emotional Intelligence with classroom interaction of secondary teachers2014
10Rakhi AggrawalDr. Rajni Goel (Retd.)स्वामी रामानुजाचार्य के विशिष्टद्वैतवादी सिद्धान्त का तात्विक चिंतन एवं शिक्षा में योगदान का महत्व2014
11Ms. NeelamDr. Rajni Goel (Retd.)Darshnik problems of Maharishi Kapil’s Sankhya Darshan and his contribution in Education2015
12Mrs. Savita TanejaProf. Shashi MalikB.Ed. Curriculum od C.C.S. University: An Evaluation2015
13Mrs. Neelam TyagiDr. Sindhu Bala (Retd.)A Study of teaching competence in relation to Deductive thinking and inductive thinking and their classroom behaviours at secondary level2015
14Mrs. Preeti TyagiDr. Neeta Kaushik (Tr.)Diagnosis and Remediation of English Linguistic Skills of Students studying at Elementary Level2015
15Mrs. Vinita M. ChaudharyProf. Shashi MalikCorrelates of Job Satisfaction among Teachers in Aided and Self-financed Institutions2015
16Mrs. Shelja SharmaProf. Shashi MalikAn Investigation into Social Maturity, Learning and Thinking Styles of Learning Disabled Children and Non Learning Disabled Children at Primary level2015
17Mrs. Mangla VaidProf. Rekha Agrawal (Retd.)Development of Integrated Curriculum from Pre-primary and Primary grades2015
18Mrs. Mukesh KumariProf. Prerna SharmaImpact of Environmental Education on the behaviour of Higher Secondary Level Students regarding water conservation2016
19Mrs. Meena SinghProf. Neeta Kaushik (Tr.)A Study of language Skills in Hindi and English with reference to creativity, personality characteristics, locality and educational streams of the students studying at Higher education level2016
20Mrs. Pooja AgrawalDr. Rekha Agrawal (Retd.)The effect of use of teaching kit on the Academic achievement and inductive-deductive thinking of Primary class students2016
21Mrs. PoonamProf. Shashi MalikA Study on Occupational Choices with reference to Self-Efficacy and Work environment of Special School Teachers2017
22Vandana VermaDr. Sindhu Bala (Retd.)A Study of Learning & Thinking style of Secondary School Students in relation to their Career Preference and Academic Achievement2018
23Richa VarshneyProf. Uma JoshiImpact of Parental Involvement on the Performance of IV to V standard children of Urban and Rural Areas in Agra City2019
24Namitesh GuptaProf. Uma Joshiकार्यरत तथा घरेलू महिलाओं की वय: संधि अवस्था की बालिकाओं में संवेगात्मक स्थिरता एवं समायोजन का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (गोरखपुर जनपद के संदर्भ में)2020
25Deepa BishtProf. Shashi MalikUse of Online Social networking sites by Undergraduate students of different Socio-economic status and its impact on their academic performance and social skill2021
26Sweta GuptaProf. IndraniA Study of Life Skill of Male and Female pupil teachers in relation to their teaching effectiveness and attitude towards teaching2021
27Niharika GargProf. Shashi MalikExplanation of Personality Characteristics of teachers in terms of Indian Trigunas and its relationship with teacher’s sense of self-efficacy, teacher effectiveness and transformational leadership2022
28Sarita PragyaProf. IndraniA study of Awareness of Elementary School teachers about learning disabilities and difficulties faced by them in teaching students with learning disability2022
29Aditi DhamaProf. Uma JoshiConsumer Buying behaviour towards clothing among students from fashion colleges of NOIDA City2022
30Yashi GuptaProf. Shabnam ChhabraImpact of Educational Intervention on breakfast consumption pattern of College going girls (18-23 Years)2023
31Kalpana SinghProf. Shabnam ChhabraComplementary feeding practices among working mothers of children aged 6-24 months: A qualitative Study2023
32Shweta DasProf. Prerna SharmaA Study of Role of MOOCs in Learning Biology with reference to perceptions of students and teachers2023
33Madhu MittalProf. IndraniDevelopment of Integrated Learning Kit and its Efficacy on Attitude and Achievement in Science among School students2023
34Reena GuptaProf. Shashi MalikA Study of Impact of parental Involvement on Self-confidence, Social skills and Educational Outcomes of Senior Secondary School Students2024
35Mamta RaniDr. Nidhi Rani Singhपंचायती राज व्यवस्था में महिला हरियाणा के करनाल जिले का अध्ययन2023
36Priyanka VermaProf. IndraniExploration of Innovation Skills and its relationships with Self-efficacy and Academic achievement2024
37ShilpiProf. Uma JoshiGender wise comparative Study of usage of internet and its impact on well-being of college students2024